Well it’s that time of the year. 2017 has arrived and I’m obliged to write a post apologizing for last years blogging performance. I should also state my grand expectations for the new year. I’ll do better. I promise.

In all honestly I have written as much as I wish. I’m starting to realize the value of writing as a way to relieve stress. I will probably start journaling this year. I’ve been going through some serious internal debate regarding the best outlet for journals. I’ve been looking at DayOne, Jrnl.sh, and good old fashion pen and paper. We will see where that goes.

I’m also ready to officially call myself a minimalist. I’ve embraced minimalism is all facets of life: material possesions, time and attention, and also digital consumption. I see minimalism at its roots a thought process to think hard about the things that add value to my life, thereby eliminating the things which do not add value. It is definetly a process and if you took a look at my house or office today it wouldn’t scream minimalist. I did throw away a large amount of junk from our attic over the Christmas/New Years holiday. You can expect to see some minimalist related blog posts in the future.

As for things to come I’m strongly considering completely splitting my technical articles into another blog site. I really do hate to clog up my RSS feed with personal blog posts. Going back to wordpress would be good because I can more easily manage media (such as screenshots) within the blog. Though I’ve really started to enjoy the markdown and folder structure of Jekyll/GitHub pages.

Well, Cheers to 2017!