Yes it has been a while since I’ve done anything with this site. However this evening I had some extra time on my hands and decided to get everything running like I wanted. I’ve made a few changes to the site which I’m quite happy about:

  • I removed the post list from the site index and gave it a dedicated page
  • I FINALLY got categories working for my posts
  • I split out the technical articles from my personal blog

I am pleased with the categories since I’ve been struggling with that since I migrated from Wordpress. Once I was able to get the categories I used them to split out all my technical articles from my personal/life blog posts. I genuinely see those as two separate sides but since I don’t generate enough traffic from my technical articles I see no reason to move them to a separate page or domain.

As I (hopefully) continue to update this website I plan on picking up my writing again and trying to incorporate more of my hobbies (the outdoors, fitness, photography). At this point I can pretty much gurantee I’ve lost the interest of anyone who might have been reading my material in the past, so I’ll just keep on keepin on.