I know I said I would be migrating all of my old Wordpress posts over to Jekyll, but I’ve decided to alter course. I have struggled with the presentation of my website/domain for a while now. Honestly I haven’t been crazy that when you visit my domain name, my high-level online representation, that you’re met with fairly boring, rephrased, technical documentation.

Technical documentation was the primary reason I started blogging, keeping notes for certifications and studying. Then I started to write about work I was doing, adding notes for certain projects. However a recent combination of life events has given me pause about what and why I was writing. The technical notes are useful, I use them for reference still at my $dayjob. However that’s not the primary thing I want when people find ME online. I am more than technical documentation.

So, what to do? For now, at least, I’m going to move my old technical documentation to a separate folder/layout. I think it is important to keep that information around and I will add to it when I find interesting things to share. The primary focus of my writing will be on the things I care about. Alas, I am changing, and and therefore my site is changing. Here’s to a new direction, a focus on the intersection of life and technology…